
Showing posts from November, 2022

Postmodernism in videogames

Video games can be considered to be postmodern in themselves, unlike the older media where we were able to distinguish between postmodern text and others. This could be due to how video games erode the distinction between reality and simulation and the experience of living a second life increases this erosion such as with games like Grand Theft Auto VI. There are two concepts to help us identify games as postmodern, these include flow and immersion. Immersion defines how gamers are dissolved into the gaming world where the flow is the concept of mission becoming harder but with greater achievements or rewards.  This creates a sense of creativity and happiness in the simulation resulting in a consumer being in a state of hyperrality. Grand Theft Auto VI is a perfect franchise that explains postmodernism in video games with unstopping demand and distribution after its first launch. This creates a hyper-real experience by introducing us to Niko Belic living in Liberty City however the...

Project roles and scheduling update

  Roles for project Request. Director : Haris Wajid Producer : Owais Muhammad Cinematography & Light : Sair Imran Post Production : Haris Wajid & Sair Imran Scheduling for Project Request. Pre Production by : 1st October 2022 Production starts : Mid October approx 15th of October & Production Wrap up : November 1st 2022 Post Production by : December 1st 2022

Blade runner as postmodern media

 Blade runner is a postmodern aesthetic film with references and images. The film set takes place in a futuristic dystopian world, the city in the movie the city is depicted as Los Angeles in the future. The image we see creates a mise en scene of the decline and extinction of the human race from the earth and it is all related to people who feel human but are synthetic striving for an extension of their lifespan. The question that arises from the film is what is the purpose of humanity in the postmodern age where the distinction between machine and human is eroded and unclear. The film questions thing such as can machines have emotions? or can humanity be manufactured? These are the same question asked by philosophers regarding hyperreality. This creates an image of a separate world for which people are switching from the real world to a more attractive one.  


 Baudrillard introduced the idea of hyper-reality in which he explains how reality works in the postmodern world. He states it as a place that is physical but also a fictional representation of the world at the same time then Baudrillard says that this is just the surface meaning and there is o longer a distinction between any original thing for a sign to represent in which sign is referred to as meaning. Postmodernists believe that simulation of reality has replaced the pure reality of the world by replacing it with hyper-reality, blurring the line between what is real and imagery.  He once described Disneyland as one of the main examples of hyper-reality by representing the imaginary being more real than the reality itself, He believed that Disneyland attracts media consumers into a simulation to escape all of their real-world tension and give them a sense of happiness and joy.


 PEGI is a European video game rating system known as Pan-European game information. This was established to help consumers make much more accurate decisions regarding their media consumption, developed by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE). The PEGI is now used in over 41 countries and has five age levels. PEGI 3 is the first stage this includes all age groups but the game should not contain scenes or sounds that are likely to scare young children. PEGI 7 is rated for games with possible scenes and sounds that could scare young children this contains very low levels of violence. PEGI 12 contains slightly more violence and more graphics and sounds toward non-existing characters or can also include realistic violence toward human-like characters and can come in this category. PEGI 16 is applied to media with sexual activity and violence that reaches the stage that it can be compared to real life. This also includes the use of bad language which could also represent...

Postmodern Media Theory

 Postmodernist theorists claim that this media-saturated world where we consume media 24/7 such as on the move, at work, or at home creates a distinction between reality and the media representation becoming blurred or even entirely invisible. In other words, we are unable to differentiate between reality and media like the real world or simulation for example the introduction of the metaverse and VR headsets create an entirely different reality that is not real or can be compared to real-world as for now. Therefore many people see this as a historical development and believe that media reality is a new reality while others think that postmodernism is just the new way of thinking about media as it was always been before and believe that it is possible it could simulate the reality to some extent but not all of it.