
Showing posts from October, 2022

Why metaverse might not be good idea

 1. Health problems Digital use can let you escape the harshness of reality and be relieved from the stresses of life but excessive use of metaverse to escape reality might have its own impact on one's mentality and health including depression and psychoses. The more immersive the experience in the metaverse would become the more people will struggle with post-VR sadness. We have a clear example of internet and gaming addiction already being a big problem for kids and adults and being attached to the entire thing could even result in being a greater problem in the future. 2. Desensitization Most people will be playing violent games within the metaverse where it would feel very real when being interacted with or what you're doing. So is there a possibility that this could lead to people becoming more desensitized to the behavior in real life and be more arrogant due to the way it felt might be enjoyable for them such as shooting or fighting? 3. Privacy and identity hacking The...

What is 5G?

The fifth generation of mobile networks, or 5G. Following 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, it is a new international wireless standard. In order to connect practically everyone and everything together, including machines, objects, and gadgets, 5G enables a new type of network. The goal of 5G wireless technology is to provide more users with faster multi-Gbps peak data rates, extremely low latency, enhanced reliability, vast network capacity, and a more consistent user experience. New user experiences are enabled by increased performance and efficiency, which also connects new industries. The same radio frequencies that are currently utilized for satellite communications, your smartphone, and Wi-Fi networks also support 5G, but it allows for much greater technological advancement. 5G is actually about connecting things everywhere - consistently, without lag - so people can measure, understand, and manage things in real-time. This goes beyond being able to download a full-length HD movie to ...


 The metaverse concept was first discovered in 1992 in a novel named snow crash it was later on developed by several companies to be used as a community base concept.  Companies such as Facebook changed its recognition and brand corporate name to Meta in October 2021 in which the company announced a plan to spend 10 billion USD to build its own technology and vision for the metaverse over the upcoming years. In the metaverse, people can use avatars to represent themselves, communicate, and buy lands virtually on their accounts using the same concept of real estate investment. This could be done through digital currency holding value in that specific server. This could be used for business purposes or to just hang out with friends in this virtual world with the help of a virtual headset and controller. Think of it as a virtual world where people live, work, shop, and interact with others all from the comfort of home. The metaverse is considered the evolution of the internet. It...

Marshall McLuhan Background

 Marshall McLuhan was a student at Cambridge University in 1934. During his studies, he became acquainted with one of his English professors I. A Richards who later inspired him to admire the approach that English studies are a process of communication. Richards believed that "words won't stay put and are almost verbal construction is highly ambiguous". This perspective of communication influenced the depth study of media ecology by McLuhan, the way he expressed his study was by using metaphors and phrases such as "The Medium Is The Message" which later on became the most common understanding phrase for media ecology. McLuhan used the approach of  Richard, Willam Empson, and Harold Innis as an entree to the study of media This took many years of work before he fulfilled his approach. McLuhan believed that the words were best studied in terms of the effect rather than the content. He proved this theory with help of TV and telegraphs leading to the emergence of me...

E-sports Prospect In Pakistan

 In recent years, the gaming and esports industries have grown significantly in Pakistan, becoming the second-largest nation in South Asia. The two most well-known names from the nation are professional gamers Syed 'Sumail' Hassan and Arslan 'Arslan Ash' Siddique. At various points, both have held world titles in their respective video games, Dota 2 and Tekken. Most of the Pakistan community is heavily dependent on mobile gaming as it is more affordable according to critics compared to PC gaming. During this time after the launch of PUBG, Pakistani players from teams such as Free Style and I8 Esports showed their talent in south Asian PMPL tournaments. However, this wasn't possible as esports or the gaming industry was not seen as a career for the youth by the elderly and was highly discouraged in Pakistan's economy but with the help of the E-PAK initiative, which featured an official competitive gaming event, the Government of Pakistan formally recognized and e...

Film Censorship and Classification (Davey's perspective)

 Based on the widely policitc censorious claims most of the media censorship is just power claims, for example, take a film like The Magdelene Sisters or The Passion of the Christ to help us analyze the nature of debates over a human's faith and media consumption. Therefore the most productive strategy to assume the censorship of media would be to get qualitative data and focus groups rather than individual opinions. The Davey perspective is that films reflect a form of expression to reality which in many cases is represented by violence, grief, and loss, therefore, agreeing that without these expressions most of the films wouldn't have been even made in the first place. He compares this directly to distinguishing between films and violence as this would mean distinguishing between violence and life.

What are video games anyways? (Bogost prespective)

 The study of video games by Judd Ethan Ruggill and Ken S. McAllister suggests that video games are more than just a game these are "the nexus of engineering" . They compared the process of making a video game to an alchemist mixing base material. The main focus of video game media ecology is its effects and impact on its users, How they are marketed and consumed is the key to finding the role of video games in society. A study from Duke University, Northwestern University, and the University of California suggest how "video games have seeped out of the computer and have been mixed into our real lives" however Bogost argues against it as videogames are microecology and media technology could not be only single factor for society illness. Instead, he argues that "the more video games can do the more the general public will be willing to accept and be interested in the medium in general"  and he says that this might prevent actual violence as video games a...

Contemporary Media Regulations (video games)

 The media regulation consists of three media regulations this includes media content, media access and distribution, and media ownership and commercial practices. The media effects are the regulation and classification of media such as television and video games for example the protection of consumers which might be too irrelevant or explicit for them. The Byron research suggests that video games have no violent or harmful effect on children yet it is widely disagreed with by many people. This became a major issue after the release of Grand Theft Auto VI which had strong language and sexual content. To some extent, it is believed that video games could have influenced the negative behavior of children but they should not be considered the cause of that behavior. The classification of video games was the plan of ways in which games were being advertised to the illegal age group. Grand Theft Auto clearly stated the parental information and was very clear about its sexual and strong ...

Social media updates 2022

 There will be 5.32 billion distinct mobile phone users worldwide as of April 2022. Where as mobile devices are used by 92.1% of population with internet access. However, a staggering 94% of people connect via portable devices for social usage, while only 5% do so via desktop. Around 90% of internet users between the ages of 18 and above have access to internet using a portable device. There will be 4.65 billion active social media users out of 5.32 billion globally in April 2022, ranging around 58.7% of the world's population. The internet is used by 64% of people with the help of companies such as Google,  Microsoft edge and Duck duck go. In August 2022, there were 53 million out of 230 million Facebook users in Pakistan, estimated around 25% of the country's total population.                                                         ...

Roles & scheduling for project

 Roles for project Request. Director : Haris Wajid Producer : Owais Muhammad Cinematography & Light : Haris Wajid & Sair Imran Post Production : Fayzan Khalid Scheduling for Project Request. Pre Production by : 1st October 2022 Production starts : Mid October approx 15th of October & Production Wrap up : November 1st 2022 Post Production by : December 1st 2022

What is Media Ecology?

 Media ecology is the study of media, technology, and communication and the effect it has on the audience and society. This theory was a concept by Marshall McLuhan in 1964. Ecology in this context stands for the environment what they are and its impact on society. Neil postman stated that media ecology is a medium for example technology in which human cultures grow.  Media perception affects human feelings and understanding and how we interact with it to increase our chances of survival. Therefore the word environment here means the behavior of humans regarding the media they consume. Media ecology argues media acted as human sense in each era and that communication is the primary cause of social change. "The medium is the message" is a famous term by McLuhan and is often debated over as medium meaning the message. In McLuhan's research, he believes that media was one of the main causes of the progression of humans as a society and that each era had its own set of techno...

A2 project synopsis

 Request (working title) -project synopsis. A teenager’s impulsive screen tap to kill his long-kept fear. Zayn sighs as he scrolls down on his laptop. It wasn’t the first time he sat for long in front of Sara’s profile in his room. Sara, the girl in his chemistry class he’s been crushing on for the past 4 months. Nobody knew except for his best friend Haris, having some clues. Haris and Zayn made sure they share everything but this time around he didn’t really open up properly to Haris about his recent butterflies for the girl. Every time Zayn would try to talk about it, he backed off thinking about how Haris would force him to take immediate action or just won't understand. But he couldn’t hold it in anymore, he needed someone to know how he felt and finally decides to call Haris at their favorite spot to hangout, which was just the dead end of their neighborhood. He calls him for “a chat” which was an often thing they did post dinner time. Zayn walks down the street to meet...

Media Audience Theories

Hyperdermic syringe theory- Which viewed the audience as passive recipients of injected messages. Cultivation theory- This tries to prove that we form views and opinions about certain things over time as a result of exposure to media thus becoming stereotype. Desensitisation theory- Its the idea that the more violence we see less shocked we are by it in real life. Copycat theory- Claims that the audience may act as what they see modeled on the screen. Uses and gratification theory- What the audience do with media to satisfy their need as individual. Reception theory- How we make different meanings from the same polysemic media. Postmodernism theory- This shows the boundaries between the media and real life have been blurred to bring things right up to date.

Children and Televisions.

 There is key research required regarding 3 factors of an idea of children watching television this could include, what they watch, how they watch, and what impact this might have on the child. If it is asked parent as being part of the data sample regarding their children's watching habits the first thought that comes to their mind is the impression they would create regarding themselves on the interviewer this result in them not being honest and the result being inaccurate. These research questions might arise such as: 1- In which way is TV considered educational and to what limit? 2- The children's response to TV drama/films to the real world? for example family life. 3- How did the child understand the function of advertising? By carrying out this research you're willing to give voice to children which happens to be rarely in media research as said by Buckingham. Hence Byron states that media control, regulations, and danger are always emotive. However, the approach tak...